Thursday, May 1, 2008

National Scrapbooking Month and New Blog Features

May is National Scrapbooking Month, and in honor of that I will be concentrating on catching up with my much neglected photos. That is once I finish the cards I need to do! I will be posting layouts primarily this month. I'm not sure if I will have a new image each day; but I will try to get them up as soon as I can. That's not to say I won't be posting cards, so don't worry. I've also decided to add a couple of new features to my blog this month as well. I hope you all will play along. I would love to get feed back from anyone (and everyone!)
The first thing I will be adding is a kitchen tip each Thursday. Another one of my passions is cooking and I'm always interested in anything that helps me in the kitchen. I will also post a new recipe (or a link to one) on Thursdays. If anyone is interested we could make this like a recipe exchange. Just post a recipe on your blog, leave me a comment and I will come and check it out.
The second thing I will be adding is a weekly challenge each Friday. The challenge theme will vary from week to week. Example: color schemes, a certain layout, using a specific technique etc. The challenge will run from Friday to Friday and is completely optional. All you need to do to participate is post your creation on your blog, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so that I and others can visit your site and see what you've done. For those of you who are members of SCS you can upload to there as well. I'll give you the key words each Friday. There are no prizes or rewards unfortunately; but we can all use new ideas and it's a way to drive new traffic to your site as well. The only stipulation is that if you visit a blog to view what someone has done or the SCS gallery is that you must leave a comment for the person who made it. I think that everyone who takes the time to create something likes to get feedback about it. A few nice words can really make someone's day. I hope that you all enjoy the new additions and choose to participate. I look forward to seeing what everyone does.
I've also decided to change the layout of my blog...just because!

Have a great day!


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