Good morning all,
Are you the type of person that before you buy something you ponder the practicality of it? Do you ever look at something and think, yes it looks very nice; but what on earth would I do with it? I always think about that not only when I'm thinking about buying something; but also when I'm making something to give to friends or customers. My new bookmark card is a good example of this. The bookmark is functional in its traditional sense; but also as a calendar on the back side (not pictured,sorry!) In addition, there is a place for my business card right in the front. The person receiving it can take the bookmark out and use it for their favorite book and then perhaps place a picture on the card, and viola...instant picture frame. So, go ahead and try it. Be creative and be practical; people will appreciate it. For complete supplies, and instructions check out my Stampin Up! website.
What's new in my life as a Mommy? We had a great little outing to the park, where Jonathan is learning to explore a bit more on his own and climb around more as well. Tyler loves the slide and is very observant, pointing out the things that he hears and sees: the woodpecker, the airplane, the dog in the yard across the street. My daughter Reagan and I are looking forward to an overnight trip to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia tomorrow. We are going with her Brownie troop and are going to have a real behind the scenes look at the zoo at night time. How exciting!!
Couple of GH items for you all to ponder over the weekend: 1. Could Kate be Spinelli's mom? Is that Kate's secret? 2. Is Michael going to wake up or will the doctors discourage it due to possibly severe brain damage? 3. Are Maxie and Spinelli on the path to coupledom? More GH recaps and speculations on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone. Please note: I will not be able to blog this weekend; but will be back on Monday!
Happy thoughts to all,
Congrats on the new blog, I started one recently too, it just seemed to be "the thing to do" hahaha. I'm adding you to my google reader and will keep up on you, your family and apparently General Hospital. hahahaha :)
Welcome to the world of blogs! I've tagged you, so check out my blog to see what to do, hopefully it will drive more traffic to your site, you have a good one. :)
Cute idea!! I love useful things.
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