Friday, March 20, 2009

GH Chatter Friday

Hi Everyone!

Let's jump right in and see what's hot and what's not in PC this week.

--First, I've decided that I think Kate is my least favorite character. I don't know why; but she just irritates me every time I see her.
--Ok, now to totally contradict myself...I do have to give Kate kudos for pointing out to Carly that while Carly blames her for taking Michael to the warehouse that night, she never sought punishment against Michael when he shot her. (Yes, Carly...remember the part where your 10 year old son shot someone with a gun!)
--Maxie and Johnny or Maxie and Spinelli? Not as easy to pick as I would have thought
--Speaking of Maxie, when exactly did she have time to get hair extensions? Actually, I don't really care; but I wish she'd take them off. She looks so much better with short hair.
--Maxie was just plain wrong to kiss Johnny like that especially after all the sweet things she said to Spinelli.
--Robin?? Girl, what are you doing?
--I really liked the scenes with Sonny and Carly this week. I'm glad to see they've finally reached a peaceful place in their relationship.
--Loved the scenes with Patrick and Jeff Burton. Seriously, laughed out loud
--I thought Elizabeth made a good point about Robin truly believing she is a bad mom.
--Couldn't help but laugh when Alexis was talking to Sonny about what games and activities Sonny's guests could play at the Mob Party.
--Did you catch the part where Kristina hung up on Alexis?

Now for the Rumors and Scoops from around the net:

--Jerry Jacks is returning April 15th
--Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) will be joining Courtney Cox Arquette in the new prime time show "Cougar Town". No word on possible departure from GH.
--Winnifred, Sam, Spinelli will join up to be PI's together. There will, however, be a surprising fourth person joining them.
--Helena's comeback will coincide with the hospital reopening.
--Claudia tries to kill Ric.
--Patrick and Liz continue to grow closer together.
--Robins condition worsens. Although new rumor says Robin may not have PPD; but maybe something entirely different.
--Jason comforts Robin
--Rumor: Lulu breaks up with Johnny.
--Liason scene Alert!
--Kristina will be SORASED soon. Expect quite a change both physically and in personality. Remember, she is Sonny's daughter!

Have a great weekend!

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