Sunday, June 4, 2017

Coffee House Sunday

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all have had a great week! School is officially out for the summer and I have been busy trying to find ways to keep my children happily engaged and learning for the summer because, yes...I'm THAT mom!
Anyhow, I digress. Grab your coffee and let's see what interesting things caught my eye this week out there in the Interwebs!

  • At no age, however, is it a good idea to make cookies that end up looking like penis cookies for your son's birthday celebration! (Go the link, you know you want to!)
  • Maybe I should incorporate more coconut oil into my life 
  • Of course, I could just throw all caution to the wind and start a mission to visit the best donut shops in America, since I totally missed Naional Donut day this past week. 

  • Sometimes, all you want is for your baby to fall asleep and it just seems so cute to let them lay on daddy's chest on the couch.  This is bad...very bad..I never knew there was a link between SIDS and Couches.

I hope your Sunday is great!

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