Friday, May 1, 2015

Taking the (Dot Com) Leap

Hi Everyone!!

Sooooo....did you notice the new name up there?! After a lot of thinking and researching and should I or shouldn't I? conversations with myself and my family, I decided to take the dot com leap and register my own domain.
I have been feeling less than happy with blogger owning my content and also with my blog title. I felt like it just didn't reflect me or my blog and what I wanted to share with everyone.
I also felt like the "" address wasn't getting me the traffic I really want, so I'm hoping that this will help me drive some more visitors to my page.

There were many pieces of paper sacrificed in the name of brainstorming a new name, so I'll  take a moment here and say a silent thank you to the trees that contributed to this new endeavor.  As I was standing in my kitchen the other evening, surrounded by the chaos of dinner and watching my boys play baseball in the back yard; and my daughter sitting and helping me come up with a new web name, I realized this is my life: It is chaos...and it is perfect!

Ok... so everything is new; and yet it is also the same. I'm still in the process of changing a few other things behind the scenes; but it should not affect your interaction and redirects to the website from the web address. This means that if you click a previous posted link found in a linky party, or something on Pinterest, it should redirect you to the new web address automatically.

Are you bored yet with the technical mumbo jumbo?! too! So, I shall leave you for now with a little "Happy Dance"  from the Happy Dance King! Take it away, Carlton!

Enjoy your Friday, I'll be back tomorrow morning with this week's "Saturday Morning Coffee Thoughts"

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